Multi-Marker HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HCV, anti-HIV-1, anti-HTLV-I Controls


Cat. NoSeraQ ControlQuantityReg. StatusStorage Temp.List PriceKit Insert
P0220/01SeraQ VITROS60 x 2 mLPEO≤ -20˚C€4125,-
P0220/02SeraQ VITROS10 x 2 mLPEO≤ -20˚C€750,-
P0320/01SeraQ Alinity V260 x 3 mLPEO≤ -20˚C€5525,-KI4294
P0320/02SeraQ Alinity V210 x 3 mLPEO≤ -20˚C€1010,-KI4294
P0386/01SeraQ Alinity V460 x 3 mLPEO≤ -20˚C€5525,-KI4286
P0386/02SeraQ Alinity V410 x 3 mLPEO≤ -20˚C€1010,-KI4286

PEO = for performance evaluation only, limited use of predefined customers
CE = market authorization for the European Union